Triathlon Coaching to reach your personal best

Triathlon Coaching to reach your PB

Welcome to Wingman!

Chances are that you have found us when conducting an online search for triathlon coaching which, according to our current and former athletes, is something we do rather well.

Guillaume Zietsman - Wingman Sport Testimonial

Guillaume Zietsman
Multiple IronmanIronman 70.3 Finisher

I was in desperate need of a challenge. Through Wingman Coaching I discovered a new purpose. I will forever be grateful for this life-changing experience.

Suchang Chung - Wingman Sport Testimonial

Suchang Chung Ironman finisherand sub 03:10 Marathoner

Coach Stephan has been a tremendous aid in accomplishing my first Ironman. All the coaching and support provided was invaluable as it saved me much time in training by focusing on the important aspect of my development. Effective coaching at its best!

Triathlon coaching is our passion and we provide swimming, cycling, running and strength specific programs to athletes all around the world. First 5K all the way to Ironman distance triathlons. We provide triathlon training for beginners all the way to the elite level.

Our coaches are experienced and have the required coaching credentials. We are obsessed with your goals.

Dave Sullivan, Head Coach

Dave Sullivan

Head Coach Stephan Weyers

Stephan Weyers

Coach Jenny Fletcher

Jenny Fletcher

Wingman Coach Donovan Stoop

Donovan Stoop

Wingman - Coach Zane Du Randt

Zane Du Randt

We also have a training plans section where you can purchase and download the pre-written program of your choice for your next big challenge. Your program will be delivered on your TrainingPeaks training calendar and you can just follow the expertly crafted to workouts. If you don’t find a program you fancy, you can have a bespoke program designed according to your event, level and goals.

We also offer coach consultations, which is a unique service if you just want to have the opinion or advice from one of our certified coaches. You can ask us anything relating to triathlon coaching and we will do our best to answer from our extensive experience. Our coaches are committed to a lifelong education process and in the unlikely event that we don’t have the answer right away we will do the necessary research for you.

In the past we have consulted on topics like season planning, thresholds, tapering, drills, specific workouts, recovery, race strategy, off-season training, hydration and nutrition guidelines, improving Ironman time, indoor training, identifying & addressing limiters, gear and training data analysis.

Wingman Media is one of our latest offerings and was born out of the high demand for coach Dave’s amazing photography skills. If Dave has been to your race, you are almost guaranteed to have a social media profile pic taken by Dave! We now offer this service to a wide range of customers including race organisers, brands, professional athletes, families, even boudoir models.

Training Plan - Wingman Multisport
Training Plan - Wingman Multisport
Training Plan - Wingman Multisport
Training Plan - Wingman Multisport

We look forward to working with you and guiding you all the way to your PB, the finish line or your next big adventure!

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