Our new website takes flight

Wingman Blog Post - new look

Launching our new logo, colour scheme, and a brand-new Wingman Multisport Coaching vibe that holds the essence of what we have all accomplished as Wings.

We’re proud to announce the launch of our new logo, colour scheme, and a brand-new Wingman vibe that holds the essence of what we have all accomplished as Wings – our approachable, positive and bold energy, while at the same time talking to our standing as great athletes in the modern world of sports. A new look and feel that will take us into the next years, fresh, energised and reflecting our mission of world-class coaching for a healthy, enjoyable and achievable sporting experience.

Wingman Multisport Coaching Logo Yellowpng


Our new logo

So why the new wings?

Our current branding has held us proud for nearly a decade with our wings standing out and our yellow a beacon amongst others, so you will see we have held onto these elements.

Our wings are our symbol of achievement and with our athletes now flying our wings across the globe at events from Australia to New York we felt the time was right to give us a fresh feel in a new icon that is trendy, stands out in the global sport arena and captures our commitment, all the while holding the value of what we have achieved to date.

It has taken several months in development for us to arrive at our final new logo and look, which we feel stays true to our roots while still reflecting the evolution of Wingman into a trendy, fresh and modern vibe.

Our professional coaches will help you reach your goals, whether you want to get off the couch and tone up your lifestyle, tackle a triathlon or better your performance in any sport on land or in water.

Our hands-on bespoke programmes are configured to suit your lifestyle, your goals, and your body. Whether you are a professional athlete or not, we will set your goals with you and support you in realising them. We are with you every step of the way via TrainingPeaks software connected to your smart device. Real-time data relay for accurate performance analysis.

Let us know what you think of our new image in the comments below… 

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