Mastering the Fourth aka Transition

Wingman Blog Post - Mastering the fourth

No one in triathlon should be giving away time. No matter what your target, why give away free minutes when you train so hard to make up time? The key to mastering the fourth discipline (aka transition) is focusing on the bare necessities. This does not mean sprinting from water to bike like an ITU athlete – it means practicing the fourth discipline, just as you would practice a swim, a bike or a run. So how does one keep it short, simple and smooth? Practice and visualize your sequence is the first step to a good transition. We have a checklist and tips for the athletes who are new to transition and then for those athletes who are ready for the next steps to a quick transition.

Click Here to read our Newbie Transition Guide (Getting the through transition without forgetting where your bags and bike are and without falling on your face).

Click Here to read our Pro-Wannabee Transition Guide (You know the basics, but want to get through a transition as quickly as possible with the least amount of effort and some neat tricks).

Final pearls of wisdom:

  • Practice looking awesome for photos while doing the above.
  • Practice trying to remember your coach telling you that the 1st kilometer is your slowest kilometer
  • Fast transitions are like tumble turns… One doesn’t need to do them BUT they do make one look awesome when you do!
  • And finally, if you are bored in a line – waiting somewhere for service – read some further insights.

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